In Silcep, ci occupiamo del soffiaggio di flaconi in PET, utilizzando macchinari all'avanguardia capaci di produrre flaconi di diverse dimensioni e forme. Grazie alla nostra tecnologia avanzata, siamo in grado di garantire precisione e uniformità in ogni flacone, mantenendo alti standard di qualità e resistenza. Il nostro processo produttivo è flessibile, permettendoci di rispondere alle diverse esigenze dei clienti, assicurando la massima efficienza e affidabilità anche per volumi di produzione significativi.
The problem of plastic in the oceans is a highly discussed topic today. Single-use items have changed our lives, placing us in a comfort zone that has not taken into account the consequences. Designed to be a long-lasting material, it does not dissolve in water; instead, it breaks down into smaller pieces, contributing to the generation of microplastics that are impossible to recover.
Every year, 369 million tons of plastic are produced, which amounts to 53 kg for every inhabitant of the planet. Of the total amount of plastic produced, only just over 20% is recycled or incinerated, while most ends up in the sea. Today, there are over 150 million tons of plastic in the oceans, causing one and a half million casualties in the animal world, including fish, birds, whales, and turtles.
The advancement of this system will lead to having more plastics than fish in our oceans by 2050. This plastic also reaches us, as on average.
Il Basilico è un'erba aromatica utilizzata in cucina come tocco finale per il suo sapore fresco e delicato. Viene usato per le verdure, la carne, il pesce, la zuppa, la pasta e la salsa di pomodoro. Inoltre viene impiegato contro l'indigestione e come vermifugo. Disponibile in vaschetta o polistirolo di varia grammatura.
La Mizuna Verde è un ortaggio di origine orientale, ricco di vitamine e proteine, a bassissimo contenuto di grassi per una dieta sana ed equilibrata.
Molto simile alla rucola per forma e colore, viene affiancata alla carne per il suo sapore leggermente amarognolo.
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The development of the new brand identity first saw HENRY & CO. sit down with Nomadic Roots Nutrition to better understand, through Circular Design Thinking sessions, the values and ambitions of the startup. Based on what was expressed, HENRY & CO.'s work shifted to identifying the target audience, constructing Personas capable of archetyping the target audience, and studying competitors.
Only after identifying this fundamental information did HENRY & CO. begin to explore sensations, imagery, and graphic elements that could resonate with the target. Simplicity, genuineness, naturalness, journey, research, and discovery are the concepts that guided the design of the new identity.
The result is an organic blend of vector and freehand: small illustrated elements describe and enrich the graphic content, mostly composed of roots that grow, connect, and surround the logotype.
Mielizia is the historic brand of the beekeepers of CONAPI, the National Beekeepers Consortium, the large cooperative enterprise of Italian honey producers that holds the title of the largest producer of organic honey in Europe.
The goal of Mielizia is to protect the well-being of bees and to enhance the products of beekeepers, their productions, and the entire Italian supply chain.
Mielizia has contacted HENRY & CO. for the redesign of the packaging for the lines of dietary supplements intended for organized large-scale distribution (GDO).
Il Lattughino Verde è un ortaggio a foglia verde chiaro, dal profumo intenso e gusto delicato. Ricchissimo di sali minerali, vitamine e fibre, può favorire la distensione dei muscoli ed il sonno.
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La parmigiana di melanzane è un piatto classico del Sud Italia fatto con strati di melanzane fritte e cotte al forno, salsa di pomodoro e formaggio mozzarella. È già cotta e pronta per essere riscaldata, rendendola un pasto delizioso e conveniente.
La Senape Rossa è un ortaggio di origine orientale, dal sapore piccante.
Ricca di fibre e vitamine, può essere raccolta e mangiata fresca.
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Il Prezzemolo Liscio è un'erba aromatica, utilizzata per insaporire buona parte degli alimenti, vegetali e animali.
Ricca di vitamine e minerali, aiuta a combattere l'alitosi.
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Die Vorteile von Tuchfiltern und Biorulli in einem kompakten System für die Wasseraufbereitung in kleinen Gemeinden.
Kompaktes System für die biologische Reinigungsbehandlung mit Biodiscs in Kombination mit Tuchfiltern für die Abtrennung von Überschussschlamm.
Das Kompaktsystem biocombi besteht aus zwei Behandlungsphasen (biologische Behandlung und Abtrennung des Überschussschlamms), die in einem einzigen Behälter zusammengefasst sind.
Das Standardmodell verfügt über einen Behälter aus behandeltem und lackiertem Kohlenstoffstahl mit einer modularen, leicht abnehmbaren Glasfaserabdeckung und einem elektrischen Schaltschrank auf der Maschine mit Schutzart IP 55.
Die beweglichen Teile (Scheibenwalze und Trommelfilter) werden von einem einzigen Getriebemotor mit einer Leistung zwischen 1,10 und 1,50 kW angetrieben.
-Minimaler Energieverbrauch
-Reduzierte Wartung
-Leichte Zugänglichkeit
-Erhöhte Stellfläche (kompakte Bauweise)
Il Pan di Zucchero è un tipo di cicoria con foglie grandi, avvolte su stesse di color costa bianca. Dal sapore amarognolo e digestivo, contiene molti minerali e vitamine, efficaci nella prevenzione dei tumori.
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La Menta è un'erba aromatica utilizzata per preparare infusi, tisane e cocktail.
Grazie al mentolo, ha proprietà stimolanti per lo stomaco, contro disturbi gastrointestinali, e proprietà analgesiche.
Ottimo rimedio contro il mal d'auto, va comunque assunto senza esagerare per evitare danni al sistema nervoso.
Disponibile in vaschetta o polistirolo di varia grammatura.
For years, the scientific community has focused on the delicate issue of bees. These small insects are indeed in serious danger.
In recent years, an average of 20% of bees has disappeared in Europe alone, with peaks of 50% in some areas. The multiple causes stem from intensive agriculture and the massive use of agrochemicals, the intentional and unintentional introduction of invasive exotic species, and finally, global climate change.
The threat facing bees concerns all of us, as more than 80% of global food production, including fruits and vegetables, which are the basic ingredients of herbal teas, depends on them.
For this reason, the values of Neavita, a producer of herbal teas, infusions, and teas for over 30 years, could only align and complement those of Mielizia, the historic brand of CONAPI, the National Consortium of Beekeepers, the leading producer of organic honey in Europe.
Przepływ wody i osadu pochodzącego z poprzednich faz oczyszczania (biologicznego lub fizyko-chemicznego) jest wprowadzany do strefy pośredniej zbiornika, tuż pod pakietem lamelowym.
Jednoczęściowe osadniki lamelowe do osadzania osadu.
Składają się z: zbiornika wyrównawczego, który może być wykonany ze stali węglowej poddanej obróbce i malowaniu lub ze stali nierdzewnej AISI 304; pakietu lamelowego z równoległymi kanałami ze sztywnego polistyrenu, stabilizowanego przed promieniowaniem UV; powierzchniowego koryta wylotowego (z jazem) z AISI 304; pośredniego rozdzielacza strumienia zasilającego.
Specjalne materiały i wykonania są dostępne na życzenie.
SERIA FM - L (powierzchnia równoważna 11,30 m2/m3)
Typowe zastosowania: wtórne oczyszczanie osadów biologicznych, instalacje wody pitnej, modernizacja istniejących odstojników, oczyszczanie wody deszczowej.
-Wysoka skuteczność separacji ciał stałych od cieczy
-Prostota instalacji i obsługi
-Kompaktowe wykonanie
Tatsoi is a green leafy vegetable of oriental origin, rich in vitamins.
Just like spinach it can be eaten raw or cooked. Moreover, thanks to its fresh and spicy flavor, it can become a decorative element in salads.
Available in punnet, bag or polystyrene of various weight.
Il Lattughino Rosso è la variante del lattughino verde.
Dal sapore dolce e delicato, si può mescolare ad altri tipi di insalata per dare un tocco di colore. Grazie inoltre a vitamine e sali minerali, favorisce la digestione.
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Biodisc bio-oxidation system. Compact and modular solution, minimum energy consumption.
This is the most widely used single-piece unit series.
The tank can be made, at choice, in treated and painted carbon steel or in AISI 304 stainless steel. The cover, in both cases, is manufactured in fibreglass-reinforced polyester.
It is noteworthy for the ease of installation (limited civil engineering works, factory-assembled unit).
Typical applications:
small communities
various types of industry
-Compactness and adaptability of the installations thanks to the limited dimensions
-Modular installation, which allows subsequent plant expansion
-Simplicity of plant management and maintenance: no need for specialist personnel
-Low energy consumption, with consequent reduction of operating costs
Thyme is an aromatic herb, suitable for flavoring meat, fish, eggs, cheeses, tomatoes, stews and soups. In addition to being used for vinegars and flavored oils, it is also used against cooling diseases.
Available in punnet or polystyrene of various weight.
Sage is an aromatic herb with a woody stem, and thick silver-green leaves that generate a very intense aroma.
It is used for physiotherapy, in the cosmetic field as a toothpaste, and in the culinary field to flavor roasts and game.
Available in punnet or polystyrene of various weight.
Il Tatsoi è un ortaggio di origine orientale a foglia verde, ricco di vitamine. Proprio come gli spinaci si può mangiare crudo o cotto. Inoltre, grazie al suo sapore fresco e piccante, può diventare un elemento decorativo nelle insalate.
Disponibile in vaschetta, busta o polistirolo di varia grammatura.
Mint is an aromatic herb used to prepare infusions, herbal teas and cocktails.
Thanks to menthol, it has stimulating properties for the stomach, against gastrointestinal disorders, and analgesic properties.
Excellent remedy against car sickness, it should however be taken without exaggerating to avoid damage to the nervous system.
Available in punnet or polystyrene of various weight.
System bioutleniania Biodisc. Kompaktowe i modułowe rozwiązanie, minimalne zużycie energii.
Jest to najczęściej stosowana seria urządzeń jednoczęściowych.
Zbiornik może być wykonany, do wyboru, z obrobionej i pomalowanej stali węglowej lub ze stali nierdzewnej AISI 304. Pokrywa w obu przypadkach wykonana jest z poliestru wzmocnionego włóknem szklanym.
Na uwagę zasługuje łatwość instalacji (ograniczone prace inżynieryjne, jednostka zmontowana fabrycznie).
Typowe zastosowania:
małe społeczności
różne rodzaje przemysłu
-Kompaktowość i możliwość dostosowania instalacji dzięki ograniczonym wymiarom
-Modułowa instalacja, która umożliwia późniejszą rozbudowę instalacji
-Prostota zarządzania i konserwacji instalacji: brak konieczności zatrudniania wyspecjalizowanego personelu
-Niskie zużycie energii, a w konsekwencji redukcja kosztów operacyjnych
Il Timo è un'erba aromatica, adatta a insaporire carne, pesce, uova, formaggi, pomodoro, stufati e zuppe. Oltre ad essere utilizzata per aceti e oli aromatizzati, viene anche impiegata contro le malattie di raffreddamento.
Disponibile in vaschetta o polistirolo di varia grammatura.
Red Mustard is a vegetable of oriental origin, with a spicy flavor.
Rich in fiber and vitamins, it can be harvested and eaten fresh.
Available in punnet, bag or polystyrene of various weight.
Der Wasser- und Schlammstrom aus den vorangegangenen Behandlungsphasen (biologisch oder physikalisch-chemisch) wird in den Zwischenbereich des Beckens, direkt unterhalb des Lamellenpakets, geleitet.
Lamellenpakete sind einteilige Klärbecken für das Absetzen des Schlamms.
Sie bestehen aus: Behälter, der wahlweise aus behandeltem und lackiertem Stahl oder aus Edelstahl AISI 304 hergestellt werden kann; Lamellenpaket mit parallelen Kanälen aus starrem, gegen UV-Strahlung stabilisiertem Polystyrol; Oberflächenabflussrinne (mit Wehr) aus AISI 304; Zwischenverteiler für den Zulauf.
Sondermaterialien und -ausführungen sind auf Anfrage erhältlich.
FM - L SERIE (11,30 m2/m3 äquivalente Oberfläche)
Typische Anwendungen: Nachklärung von biologischem Schlamm, Trinkwasseraufbereitungsanlagen, Nachrüstung bestehender Klärbecken, Regenwasseraufbereitung.
-Hohe Fest-Flüssig-Trennleistung
-Einfache Installation und Bedienung
-kompakte Ausführung
-geringe Erstkosten und Betriebsführungskosten
Biodisc bio-oxidation system. Compact and modular solution, minimum energy consumption.
M115 is the smallest single-piece unit series.
It involves a set of rotating discs complete with tank and cover, both manufactured from fibreglass-reinforced polyester.
It is an economical version, easy to install.
Typical applications:
apartment blocks
small campsites
factory premises
-Compactness and adaptability of the installations thanks to the limited dimensions
-Modular installation, which allows subsequent plant expansion
-Simplicity of plant management and maintenance: no need for specialist personnel
-Low energy consumption, with consequent reduction of operating costs
Bull's Blood is another variety of the red chard.
It has a good content of minerals and vitamins.
It has a sweet and tender flavor, due to the reddish color of the leaf and the stem.
Available in punnet, bag or polystyrene of various weight.
La Salvia è un'erba aromatica dal fusto legnoso, e dalle foglie spesse di colore verde argentato che generano un profumo molto intenso.
É utilizzato per la fisioterapia, nel campo della cosmetica come dentifricio, e nel campo culinario per insaporire arrosti e selvaggina.
Disponibile in vaschetta o polistirolo di varia grammatura.
Red Lettuce is the variant of the green lettuce.
With a sweet and delicate flavor, it can be mixed with other types of salad to give a touch of color. Thanks also to vitamins and mineral salts, it promotes digestion.
Available in punnet, bag or polystyrene of various weight.